We're a WordPress Static Site Generator and Host All in One

Understanding Static Site Generators

A WordPress static site generator takes your dynamic WordPress site and converts it into a series of static HTML files.

This means that all your content is pre-rendered and stored as plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which can be served quickly by virtually any web server.

The benefits are simple:

  1. Faster load times
  2. Enhanced security
  3. Reduced server load.

Why Static?

Static sites load faster because there’s no need for server-side processing on each request. Every page is pre-built, so when a user visits your site, they receive a fully-rendered page almost instantaneously.

This can significantly improve user experience and SEO rankings. Additionally, static sites are inherently more secure since they don’t rely on database queries or dynamic content generation, minimizing potential attack vectors.

The Headless Hostman is a WordPress Static Generator

The core pillar of functionality of Headless Hostman is converting your WordPress site into static pages.

Here’s how we do it:

  1. Seamless Integration: We take your current WordPress site and integrate our static site generation tools without requiring a complete rebuild. This means you can maintain your existing content and design with minimal adjustments.
  2. Automated Conversion: Our system automatically generates static HTML files from your WordPress content. This includes pages, posts, images, and other media. The result is a series of static files ready to be served to your visitors.
  3. Intuitive Management: With Headless Hostman, managing your static site is as straightforward as managing your traditional WordPress site. Whether you need to update a single page or push changes across the entire site, our intuitive interface makes it easy. One-click deployments and seamless updates ensure that your site remains up-to-date without the usual hassle.
  4. Enhanced Security: By serving pre-rendered static files, we eliminate many common vulnerabilities associated with dynamic WordPress sites. This means fewer security concerns and a more robust site.
  5. Scalable Solutions: Our static site hosting is built to scale with your needs. Whether you’re running a small blog or a high-traffic business site, our infrastructure can handle it, ensuring consistent performance as your audience grows.

The Headless Hostman is a Static WordPress Host

So, you have your static site generated. Now what?

It needs hosted somewhere, and often times, this is where organizations and marketing teams alike start scratching their head.

Short of hiring a developer, the path forward isn’t clear.

That’s why Headless Hostman also hosts your Static site on our infrastructure.

In addition to converting to Static, we push your site to our Static Hosting platform so the live site is instantly viewable.

We’re also integrated with the Cloudflare Static network to offer you the very best there is for performance, security, and additional caching.

Stop Fuddling Around – Go Static Now

We get you there. We get you independent.

Stop fumbling with solutions and get the all-in-one with Headless Hostman.

Ride with us into the Static Apocalypse

ready to get started?

Headless Hostman takes the best of both traditional CMS systems and other static host providers to create a site that is both easy to manage, fast, and secure.