Yes, a Static version of your WordPress site will inherently load faster than traditional, database-driven WordPress.
In fact, the perceived user load speed is significantly faster as a user loads and traverses a site.
If your HTML, however, isn’t optimized then Static WordPress hasn’t traditionally been able to fix that for you. Why? Well, for one, the way we (as well as many others like HardyPress and Simply Static) generate static is just converting your pages to Static HTML. If they’re not optimized, they’re not optimized.
And if your HTML is not optimized, Google Page Speed is going to massacre you.
Again, the Headless Hostman takes your existing WordPress site and converts the pages systematically to Static HTML.
That Static HTML is then sent to a Static hosting environment.
Because we’re dealing with your raw HTML, we have the ability to enhance and optimize it for speed during generation during the conversion process.
At the end of the day, optimization Plugins built for WordPress are built for a database-driven, traditional WordPress site. Typically they will:
We could capture that HTML during generation, but ran into issues:
And beyond that, we couldn’t find the features we wanted to specifically see, like:
And at the end of the day, these Plugins are meant for database-driven, traditional WordPress.
It’s objectively proven that traditional WordPress sites are:
Again, we take your pages and convert them to static HTML. While we have them we …
In short, this just means the styles needed to render the first load are inlined.
Like all of this view:
This is done by extracting them from the Stylesheet and putting them high up on the page.
Some Themes Already Do This
Some Themes and site builders are already equipped to do this, and have said critical inline CSS present when we touch the page.
We auto-detect it and make sure we aren’t conflicting with that.
So, because we’re already rendering all the above-the-fold, first-page-load styles, we don’t immediately need all the other stylesheets.
Most pre-made, and builder, Themes like Divi and Elementor will drop several CSS stylesheets right above the fold. Sometimes upwards of five or more.
This means on page load, the browser has to download and deal with those before loading the page.
This will tank Pagespeed Score results pretty quickly.
Our Feature Handles Them More Gracefully
Rest assured though, those styles will beat you to your first scroll so you won’t even notice.
Another big Pagespeed wrecker is not lazyloading images.
We auto-detect and do this automatically to <img> and style background images.
Key Point Here
You don’t want to lazyload everything.
Which brings us to our next point.
While reading your HTML during static conversion, we auto-detect the first (3) images on the page by reading said HTML.
These images are marked to not be lazyloaded.
To take it a step further, we embed those image files in the <head> with preload tags so they are available as fast as possible to enhance first contentful paint.
Sometimes Auto-Detection Isn’t Enough
In some cases, critical above-the-fold resources might be embedded in a Stylesheet.
Yes, they’ll be there in Critical CSS, but we can’t otherwise find them to preload. If this is an important asset, we need to account for this.
So, we added an area to specify these on the page editor in WordPress.
Scripts can be one of the biggest page-load render blockers in the game.
In 99% of cases, scripts aren’t required until the user has started interacting with the page.
Although our detection method for handling scripts during Static conversion was written entirely in-house with complicated regexing, we do want to give credit where credit is due:
We love WP Rocket, and we still support it on Headless Hostman, but we ran into a lot of issues capturing optimized pages during conversion. And they unfortunately denied a partnership collaboration, so we had to turn in-house.
By assigning this optimization activity to Static Generation, we are making sure your WordPress experience is uninterrupted.
No caching. No force-reload activities. No waiting around.
And of course, these optimizations are then served by Static WordPress.
As of now, we’re the only Static WordPress Generator, and Static WordPress host, that converts and optimizes your HTML.
Don’t believe us? Check out the other guys: